Read the blog of our recent CAARI-CAORC Fellow Dr Laura Swantek

Thoughts from the Fulbright Suite


CAARI is a socially and intellectually stimulating place. It offers interactions with scholars from around the world and opportunities to travel around Cyprus visiting sites and museums. As the CAARI/CAORC fellow in the summer of 2018, I started a blog to document these interactions and opportunities. Thoughts from the Fulbright Suiteaddresses my work on the Bronze Age and archaeological topics in general. The blog has continued beyond my time at CAARI. Written in accessible language, it is aimed at both archaeologists and the public interested in archaeology and reflects on how the study of the past has applications for the present and future. Check it out here.

CAARI Lecture: Dr Gloria London – The Pot Detective: A Danish UN Peacekeeper and his Pitharia

Knud Jensen was a Danish police inspector, who in 1971 joined the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. He saw and drew pitharia – the huge handmade jars for fermenting wine. As a detective, he successfully traced the jars in three villages back to the men who made them. They lived in Lazania a century ago. Jensen’s explanations of the writings incised on the jar shoulders can help us decipher the marks on ancient jars.

Thursday 14th September 2017 at 7pm in the CAARI library.

The lecture is being held in collaboration with the Royal Danish Embassy, Greece and the Royal Danish Consulate.

A reception will follow the lecture.