
JOIN US in our mission to promote studies of Cypriot archaeology and related disciplines in the humanities and sciences. Historically, Cyprus has been a meeting place and crossroad of civilizations. The Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) serves a similar role today.

LOCATED IN Nicosia, Cyprus, we provide one of the most important centers for the scholarly study of archaeology, history and culture in the Eastern Mediterranean. Scholars from these and other academic disciplines and all nationalities come together under our roof to share multidisciplinary approaches and research findings. 

AFFILIATED WITH the American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC), CAARI offers world-class resources through our comprehensive library of materials relating to Cyprus and adjacent geographic regions. Visiting students and scholars can find living quarters as well as technical and logistical support facilities. The Center hosts lectures, seminars and symposia for professional and lay audiences. We also offer fellowship opportunities for students and established senior scholars. 

FOUNDED in 1978, CAARI is an American not-for-profit organization incorporated in the State of Massachusetts with 501(C)(3) tax status and registered in Cyprus as an overseas company.  Our non-profit Employer Identification Number (EIN, also known as our Federal Tax Identification Number) is 04-2697479.