Read the blog of our recent CAARI-CAORC Fellow Dr Laura Swantek

Thoughts from the Fulbright Suite


CAARI is a socially and intellectually stimulating place. It offers interactions with scholars from around the world and opportunities to travel around Cyprus visiting sites and museums. As the CAARI/CAORC fellow in the summer of 2018, I started a blog to document these interactions and opportunities. Thoughts from the Fulbright Suiteaddresses my work on the Bronze Age and archaeological topics in general. The blog has continued beyond my time at CAARI. Written in accessible language, it is aimed at both archaeologists and the public interested in archaeology and reflects on how the study of the past has applications for the present and future. Check it out here.

Paper and Posters on Cyprus at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research happens this week in Boston. You can check out the schedule and program here.

For your convenience and interest, I’ve compiled a list of the papers and posters with explicit reference to Cyprus in their titles. As you can see there are four panels dedicated this year to Cypriot topics and a number of other papers, posters, and digital demonstrations scattered throughout the three-day conference.

Do check them out if you’re in Boston!

Thursday, November 16

1F Archaeology of the Ancient Near East: Bronze and
Iron Ages 1

9:05 Igor Kreimerman (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), “Destructions at the End of the Late Bronze Age: A Comparison between the Northern Levant, the Southern Levant, and Cyprus” (15 min.)

Friday, November 17

5A Landscapes of Settlement in the Ancient Near East
Harbor 1

9:25 Georgia Andreou (Cornell University), “The River Valley as a Study Unit and Conceptual Boundary in Settlement Studies: The Case of South-Central Cyprus” (15 min.)

5E Archaeology of Cyprus I

CHAIRS: Nancy Serwint (Arizona State University) and Walter Crist
(Arizona State University)

8:20 Lindy Crewe (Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute), “Excavating Souskiou-Laona Chalcolithic Cemetery” (20 min.)

8:45 Peter Fischer (University of Gothenburg) and Teresa Bürge (OREA, Austrian Academy of Sciences), “Tombs and Offering Pits at the Late Bronze Age Metropolis of Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus: Results from the Excavations in 2016” (20 min.)

9:10 Paula Waiman-Barak (University of Haifa), Anna Georgiadou (University of Cyprus), and Ayelet Gilboa (University of Haifa), “Early Iron Age Cypro-Phoenician Interactions: CyproGeometric Ceramics from Tel Dor and Cyprus, a Study of Ceramic Petrography” (20 min.)

9:35 Giorgos Bourogiannis (Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities [Medelhavsmuseet], Stockholm), ”The Ayia Irini Project at the Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm: New Research on an Old Excavation” (20 min.)

10:00 Andrew McCarthy (University of Edinburgh), Kathryn Grossman (North Carolina State University), Tate Paulette (Brown University), Lisa Graham (University of Edinburgh), Christine Markussen (University of Vienna), “A Transriverine Hellenistic Settlement at Prastio-Mesorotsos, Cyprus” (20 min.)

6E Archaeology of Cyprus II

CHAIRS: Nancy Serwint (Arizona State University) and Walter Crist (Arizona State University)

10:40 Thomas Landvatter (Reed College), “Cremation Practice and Social Meaning in the Ptolemaic East Mediterranean” (15 min.)

11:00 Karolina Rosińska-Balik (Jagiellonian University in Kraków), “Architectural Features of the Agora of Paphos (Cyprus)—Some Remarks” (15 min.)

11:20 Nancy Serwint (Arizona State University), “The Workshops of Ancient Arsinoe” (15 min.

11:40 Pamela Gaber (Lycoming College), “The 2017 Season of the Lycoming College Expedition to Idalion, Cyprus” (15 min.)

12:00 R. Scott Moore (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Brandon Olson (Metropolitan State University of Denver), and William Caraher (University of North Dakota), “The Circulation of Imported Fine Wares on Cyprus in the Roman and Late Roman Periods” (15 min.)

12:20 Ann-Marie Knoblauch (Virginia Tech), “Excavating Cesnola: Public Interest in Archaeological Field Techniques in 1880s New York” (15 min.)

7E Archaeology of Cyprus III

CHAIRS: Nancy Serwint (Arizona State University) and Walter Crist
(Arizona State University)


2:00 Katelyn DiBenedetto (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), “The First Permanent Settlers of Cyprus: Pushing the Neolithic Boundaries” (15 min.)

2:20 Walter Crist (Arizona State University), “Changing the Game: Bronze Age Gaming Stones from Cyprus” (15 min.)

2:40 Louise Steel (University of Wales Trinity Saint David), “What Happened in Room 103 at Aredhiou?” (15 min.)

3:00 Kevin Fisher (University of British Columbia), “From Duplex to Courtyard House: Re-assessing Bronze Age Social Change on Cyprus” (15 min.)

3:20 A. Bernard Knapp (University of Glasgow), “Piracy and Pirates in the Prehistoric Mediterranean” (15 min.)

3:40 Joanna S. Smith (University of Pennsylvania), “Facing a Crowd: Dedicatory and Museum Displays of Cypriot Art” (15 min.)

8E Digging “Lustily” into Cypriot Prehistory: Studies in Honor of Stuart Swiny

CHAIRS: Zuzana Chovanec (Tulsa Community College) and Walter Crist (Arizona State University)


4:20 Introduction (5 min.)

4:25 Helena Wylde Swiny (Harvard University), “Why Cyprus?” (15 min.)

4:45 Francesca Chelazzi (University of Glasgow), “Settlement Archaeology in Bronze Age Cyprus: The Pioneering Legacy of Stuart Swiny in the Southwest Forty Years Later” (15 min.)

5:05 Thomas Davis (Tandy Institute for Archaeology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary), “The House of the Dancing Bird” (15 min.)

5:25 Laura Swantek (Arizona State University) and William Weir (University of Cincinnati), “A Dig of a ‘Certain Kind’: Stuart Swiny and the Past and Future Potential of Sotira Kaminoudhia” (15 min.)

5:45 Zuzana Chovanec (Tulsa Community College) and Sean M. Rafferty (University at Albany), “A Legacy of Education and Collaboration: Stuart Swiny’s Role in Cypriot Studies at the University at Albany” (15 min.)

6:05 Alan Simmons (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), “Thinking Outside the Hippo: A Personal Tribute to Stuart Swiny” (15 min.)

8A GIS and Remote Sensing in Archaeology 1

5:10 Carrie Fulton (University of Toronto), Andrew Fulton (Independent Scholar), Andrew Viduka (Flinders University), and Sturt Manning (Cornell University), “Using Photogrammetry in Large-area Survey of the Late Bronze Age Anchorage at Maroni-Tsaroukkas, Cyprus” (20 min.)

Saturday, November 18

10D Archaeologists Engaging Global Challenges

11:15 Louise Hitchcock (University of Melbourne), “Aged Tasmanian
Whiskey in Boston Is the New Faience Rhyton in Cyprus: Globalization and Plutocracy, Populism, and Piracy” (25 min.)

10K Maritime Archaeology

11:55 Stella Demesticha (University of Cyprus), “The Cargo of the Mazotos Shipwreck, Cyprus” (20 min.)

12H Archaeology of the Byzantine Near East

5:45 Charles Anthony Stewart (University of St. Thomas), “The Alexander-Heraclius Stele: a Byzantine Sculpture Discovered in Cyprus” (15 min.)


“Evolving Architectural Function in the ‘Earthquake House’ at Kourion, Cyprus” Erin Beatty (Tandy Institute for Archaeology) and Laura Swantek (Arizona State University)

“Against the Grains: The Story of Early Agriculture in Cyprus” Leilani Lucas (University College London; College of Southern Nevada) and Dorian Fuller (University College London)

Digital Archaeology Demos

“The Archaeology of Rural Landscapes: Surface Survey and Magnetic Anomaly Test Excavations at Maroni, Cyprus”

Catherine Kearns (University of Chicago), Peregrine Gerard-Little (Cornell University), Anna Georgiadou (University of Cyprus), and Georgia Andreou (Cornell University)

CAARI Lecture: Dr Gloria London – The Pot Detective: A Danish UN Peacekeeper and his Pitharia

Knud Jensen was a Danish police inspector, who in 1971 joined the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. He saw and drew pitharia – the huge handmade jars for fermenting wine. As a detective, he successfully traced the jars in three villages back to the men who made them. They lived in Lazania a century ago. Jensen’s explanations of the writings incised on the jar shoulders can help us decipher the marks on ancient jars.

Thursday 14th September 2017 at 7pm in the CAARI library.

The lecture is being held in collaboration with the Royal Danish Embassy, Greece and the Royal Danish Consulate.

A reception will follow the lecture.

The 36th Annual CAARI Workshop

The Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute is excited to announce the 36th annual CAARI Workshop in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus and the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus. The workshop is on July 1 at the University of Cyprus New Campus, University Senate House, Amphitheater B108 (A.G. Leventis Building, Panepistimiou Avenue, Aglantzia, Nicosia).

Find the program below:

First Session

Welcome and Introductory Remarks:
Dr. Andrew McCarthy and Dr. Lindy Crewe, CAARI Director
Dr. Marina Solomidou-Ieronymidou, Director of the Department of Antiquities Cyprus

First Session

So, what’s new with the first Cypriotes?
Alan Simmons

Prasteio-Mesorotsos Archaeological Expedition 2016-2017: looters and landscapes
Andrew McCarthy

Polis Region Archaeological Project (PRAP)
Kate Grossman

PRAP ceramic analysis: Stroumbi-Pigi-Agios Andronikos reconsidered and a multi-period site at Makounta-Voulles
Lisa Graham

Excavations at Chlorakas-Palloures
Bleda Düring

Kissonerga-Skalia Excavations
Lindy Crewe

Kalavasos and Maroni Built Environments (KAMBE) Project
Sturt Manning


Second Session

The mine of Skouriotissa
Vasiliki Kassianidou

Lycoming College Expedition to Idalion
Pamela Gaber

The first ’Ruler’s Dwelling’ on Cyprus: a pre-Palatial building on the acropolis of Amathus
Thierry Petit

Yeronisos Island Expedition
Joan Connelly

Settled and Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus (SeSaLaC): Intensive surface survey results 2015- 2016
Athanasios K. Vionis

Discussion and Final remarks


All attendees are warmly invited to attend the reception held in CAARI’s courtyard
11 Andreas Dimitriou Street, Nicosia 10

Melusine of Cyprus: Studies in Art, Architecture, and Visual Culture in Honor of Annemarie Weyl Carr

CAARI is very happy to announce the program for next weekend’s conference in honor of the work of Annemarie Weyl Carr on Cyprus:

Melusine of Cyprus:
Studies in Art, Architecture, and Visual Culture in Honor of Annemarie Weyl Carr

Friday 19 May 2017

Dr. Andrew McCarthy, CAARI Director

Paintings, Murals and Illumination 

Charles Anthony Stewart
(University of St. Thomas)
Cyprus and the Development of Early Byzantine Fresco Painting

Maria G. Parani
(University of Cyprus)
On the Fringe: The Painted Ornament of the Holy Trinity Parekklesion at the Monastery of St. John Chrysostom, Koutsovendis 

Andreas Nicolaïdès
(Aix Marseille Université)
Le cycle sanctoral de la Panagia Phorbiotissa à Asinou en 1105-1106 

Athanasios Semoglou
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Sainte Thècle dans l’église de la Panagia Phorviotissa d’Asinou


Coffee break

Rebecca W. Corrie
(Bates College)
Coppo, Chrysography, and Cyprus: “Networks and Interconnection”

Maria Paschali
(Independent Scholar)
The Late Medieval Wall Paintings of the Armenian Church in Famagusta and Cultural Identity in its Urban Setting

Ioannis Eliades
(Byzantine Museum, Archbishop Makarios III Foundation)
Panagia Podithou: An Important Monument for dating ‘Cypro-Renaissance’ Art 

Barbara McNulty
(Lebanon Valley College)
Ambiguous Identities: The Portrait of Maria and Her Family in the Church of Panagia Theotokos, Kakopetria 


Lunch break

Maria Constantoudaki-Kitromilides  
(National and Kapodistrian University of  Athens)
The Wall Paintings in the Katholikon of St. Neophytos Monastery: Iconography, Taste and Artistic Identity 

Lina Fakhoury
(University of Balamand, Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts) and Anne-Marie Guérin (Queen’s University, Canada)
Le Site Médiéval de Sainte Marina d’El Qalamoun, Liban Nord: Recherche pluridisciplinaire

Ioanna Rapti
(École Pratique des Hautes Études)
Cilicia and the Decorative Style: A 12th– Century Armenian Gospel Book at Venice San Lazzaro 



Archaeology, Landscape and Architecture

Andrew McCarthy
(CAARI and University of Edinburgh)
The ‘Prehistory’ of a Cypriot Monastery: Prasteio-Mesorotsos Archaeological Expedition and the Agios Savvas tis Karonos Monastery

Michalis Olympios
(University of Cyprus)
L’art roman en Chypre: Some Thoughts on Romanesque Sculpture in Early Lusignan Cyprus

Thomas Kaffenberger 
(Université de Fribourg)
Appropriation of New Habits and Architectural Fashion: Belfries and Bell Cotes in Late Medieval Cypriot Church Architecture 

Panos Leventis
(Drury University)
Revisiting Multiplicity: Famagusta and Late Medieval Urban Models in the Eastern Mediterranean

Nicholas Coureas
(Cyprus Research Centre)
The Churches of Famagusta and their Secular Congregations (1448-1474)


Open Reception at CAARI


Saturday 20 May 2017

Icons and Objects

David Jacoby
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Textile Production in Cyprus in the Lusignan Period

James Rodriguez
(Yale University)
Bilateral Icons of Cyprus: Their Chronology, Functions, and Origins 

Ourania Perdiki
(Holy Bishopric of Tamassos and Oreini)
Δύο άγνωστες φορητές εικόνες της Παναγίας από τις συλλογές του Μουσείου της Ιεράς Μονής Κύκκου 

Stylianos Perdikis
(Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos)
Εικόνα Βρεφοκρατούσας Παναγίας «Κυκκώτισσας» από τον ναό της Παναγίας Γαλόκτιστης

Sophia Kalopissi-Verti
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Palaiologan Trends in Icon Painting in Fourteenth-Century Cyprus: Style and Context 


Coffee break

Geoffrey Meyer-Fernandez (Aix Marseille Université)
Between Byzantium and the Mamluk Middle East: The funerary icon of Maria Xeros (1356)

Jenny Albani (Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports and Hellenic Open University)
Grace and Punishment in a Sixteenth-Century Cypriot Icon

Stella Frigerio-Zeniou (Independent Scholar)
Iconostases à Chypre: de part et d’autre de la barrière

Tassos Papacostas (King’s College London)
Suspended in Time and Space: A Carved Heraldic Panel from Nicosia  


Lunch Break

Amy Papalexandrou
(Stockton University)
Charon’s Bowls: Burial and Ritual in Late Medieval Polis-Chrysochou 

Cristina Stancioiu
(College of William and Mary)
The Pleasures of Sight, Taste, and Touch in Byzantium: A Case Study in Cypriot Ceramics           



Historical Approaches to Art

Marina Toumpouri
(Independent Scholar)
The Scribe and his Stuff: On the Potential of Iconographic Evidence as a Source for the Technological Reconstruction of Byzantine Manuscript Production  

Anthi Andronikou
(University of Saint Andrews)
Thomas Aquinas, the Dominicans and Artistic Patronage in Trecento Cyprus 

Nassa Patapiou
(Cyprus Research Centre)
Οι φεουδάρχες της Αθηένου και τα οικόσημά τους στο ναό της Παναγίας της Ελεούσας και στην εικόνα του Τιμίου Προδρόμου.

Georgios E. Markou (University of Cambridge)
The Franciscan with the Turban: Works and Days of a Renegade in Venetian Cyprus

Hadjichristodoulou (Historical Archive of the Bank of Cyprus)
Η τιμή της Ισαποστόλου και Πρωτομάρτυρος Θέκλας στην Κύπρο: Ναοδομία και εικονογραφία

Justine Andrews
(University of New Mexico) and Ioanna Christoforaki (Academy of Athens)
Concluding Remarks

Remarks from Annemarie Weyl Carr

Optional Dinner (‘Dutch Treat’) at Restaurant (TBA)


Sunday 21 May 2017

Excursion to Old Nicosia

Farewell Lunch


CAARI Appoints a New Director

With great pleasure, CAARI announces the appointment of Dr. LINDY CREWE as its new Director. A leading scholar of Bronze Age Cyprus, Dr. Crewe comes to CAARI from the University of Manchester, England, where she is a Lecturer in Archaeology. Like Dr. McCarthy, whom she has known since graduate school, Dr. Crewe studied under Professor Edgar (“Eddie”) Peltenburg at the University of Edinburgh, and excavates in western Cyprus.

The author of two books and 35 articles, she is currently working with Dr. Diane Bolger on the publication of the remarkable Chalcolithic cemetery and settlement at Souskiou-Laona. “It is the site Eddie was most passionate about,” she says, and its publication was left unfinished at his recent death.

Dr. Crewe grew up in Sydney, Australia. Art and ancient history were her two greatest fascinations for as long as she can remember. Success as a graphic designer in Melbourne left her unsatisfied, and she enrolled instead at La Trobe University. Here she found archaeology, the perfect conjunction of her two main interests. Eight muddy, winter weeks of excavation at her Professors David Frankel and Jenny Webb’s site at Marki-Alonia introduced her to Cyprus. Those who dig in Cyprus’ summer heat will chuckle at her recollection of coming in to CAARI to get warm. She stayed on afterward at CAARI to pursue her undergrad Honors thesis on spindle whorls, and speaks warmly of the wonderful support she received from then-Director, Dr. Nancy Serwint.

After publishing her thesis as her first book, she went on to a Ph.D. in Europe under Professor Peltenburg. He introduced her to western Cyprus, and to summertime excavation, at Souskiou-Laona, where she served as Field Director from 2001 to 2006. In 2005-2006 she served as the Cyprus Curator in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum, and in 2007 her second book, on Enkomi, was published. This allowed her to extend onto a far larger canvas her interest in the way pottery and its changing technology reveal patterns of social interactions and trade relations.

In 2007 Dr. Crewe assumed the directorship of the excavations of Kissonerga-Skalia, a post she still holds. A powerful Bronze Age site that also offers rich insights into the relation of Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age developments, Kissonerga has given ample scope to her keen interest in archaeology as a record of social change, and to her expertise in the technologies and transmission of ceramic forms both within and outside of Cyprus. It also yielded a remarkably well-preserved Bronze Age brewery for producing beer, depicted here, a discovery gleefully reported all around globe. Continuing relations as a visiting academic with the British Museum also allowed her to unite her archaeological expertise with her interest in public dissemination of finds through the creation of on-line presentations on Kissonerga, and she has plans for a far larger digital project ahead.

Dr. Crewe looks forward to bringing her expertise and her many ideas for archaeology to life at CAARI. At home with information technology, she expects to make it a far stronger aspect of CAARI. She looks forward, too, to seeing vigorous use of the petrological laboratory that Dr. McCarthy developed at CAARI. In terms of CAARI’s programs, she believes that a broader interdisciplinary scope can serve both CAARI itself, and archaeology as a discipline. “The ‘material turn’ occurring in many disciplines (e.g., history, art history, anthropology, sociology, law) provides an opportunity for them to come to us as ‘material culture’ people,” she says. She hopes, too, to find ways to make CAARI the incubator of projects that help young professionals in the eastern Mediterranean come together, build professional relationships, and do significant work together. And she regards outreach projects, especially outreach to children, as particularly important. “It is they who will need to care for things in the future.”

Dr. Crewe and her husband, Dr. Manolis Melissaris, Associate Professor in the Department of Law at the London School of Economics, will arrive in Nicosia in June. We welcome them to CAARI with warmth!

Upcoming Events in Cypriot Archaeology

CAARI is pleased to announce the following conferences, sessions, and workshops on Cypriot archaeology.

We look forward to seeing you at any or all of these events!

19th-21st May 2017

Conference “Melusine of Cyprus: Studies in Art, Architecture and Visual Culture” in honor of CAARI Vice-president Annemarie Weyl Carr. At CAARI.

7th-10th June 2017

Archaeozoology of South-West Asia and adjacent areas (ASWA) biennial conference. At the Cyprus University.

1st July 2017

CAARI annual workshop on results of recent archaeological fieldwork. At the Cyprus University (new campus at Aglandjia)

21st-23rd September 2017

Classical Cyprus conference. At University of Graz, Austria.


22nd-24th September 2017

Concealment and Revelation in the Art of the Middle Ages. University of Cyprus.

11th October 2017

Conference on the archaeology of Paphos and Western Cyprus, organised by the Department of Antiquities. At Palia Ilektriki, Paphos.

20th-24th October 2017

Conference on Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology (on the centenary of Honor Frost’s birth), organised by the Honor Frost Foundation in collaboration with the Cyprus University. At the Cyprus University.

15-18th November 2017

ASOR Annual Meeting in Boston (includes sessions on Cyprus).

Free Book from ASOR

Over the past three years, the archaeologists from the Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project, who have worked at the site of Pyla-Koutsopetria about 10 km west of Larnaka, have collaborated with the American Schools of Oriental Research Committee on Publications and the folks at Open Context. The result of this partnership is a free, linked, digital version of the 2014 monograph, Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coast Town edited by William Caraher, David Pettegrew, and R. Scott Moore.

Here’s the blurb from the ASOR website where you can download the book:

We are very pleased to release a digital version of Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town (2014). We have modified this copy of the manuscript to include links to the archaeological data produced from 2003-2011 during almost a decade of intensive pedestrian survey and study by the Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project (PKAP). We have published our data with the Open Context platform where it underwent basic review by the managing editor. By integrating PKAP field and study data with Pyla-Koutsopetria I, the reader can now “drill down” into the data through hyperlinked text in a pdf version of the book. 

These links allow the reader to view the various digital archaeological “objects” that form the basis for the arguments advanced in this book. These digital archaeological objects range from individual survey units with attendant descriptive data to individual artifacts or batches of artifacts. We have also linked to the various categories of artifacts in our typology. These followed the chronotype system which both informed our sampling strategy in the survey and how we described our finds. We assigned a type to each artifact based on the chronotype naming conventions. These conventions combined a fabric or form with a period and could range from the exceedingly broad – like Medium Coarse Ware dating to the Ancient Historic period (750 BC- AD 749) – to much more narrowly defined and specific categories like African Red Slip Form 99. We have also linked to the various chronological periods assigned on the basis of the chronotype system which guided much of our analysis of artifact distribution in this book.

It is important to stress that this is a provisional document. In some ways, the book reflects the retrofitting of a traditional, analogue text with a layer (literally as well as figuratively) of links to our published digital material. As a result, we did not consider whether the data present in Open Context could be easily arranged by the user to replicate the analyses underpinning this analogue volume. For example, in the book, we organized our data spatially into zones which reflected both practical and archaeological divisions in our survey area. We have not arranged our data in Open Context in such a way that it is easy to query a zone for particular types of artifacts. In future projects, digital data and description will be more closely coordinated allowing the reader to explore the textual arguments more fully while still preserving the granularity of the original archaeological data.

This provisional digital edition would not have been possible without the cooperation of Eric and Sarah Kansa at Open Context who invited us to submit our data for publication at their site. Kevin M. McGeough and Hanan Charaf, the editors at the ASOR Archaeological Report Series, supported our distribution of this digital version of our work as did Charles Jones, the chair of the ASOR Committee on Publications, and Andy Vaughn, ASOR’s Executive Director. We hope that this provisional publication represents a step forward in the publication of volumes with linked data.

You can read what Bill Caraher, one of the co-authors, says about the project here on his blog.

Environment, landscape and society: diachronic perspectives on settlement patterns in Cyprus

The Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute is pleased to announce the upcoming conference at CAARI: Environment, landscape and society: diachronic perspectives on settlement patterns in Cyprus

 All are welcome to each day of the conference.

Join us for the keynote lecture and two days of papers on Saturday and Sunday 18-19 February.

Friday 17 February 6:45 pm

The longue durée: the piedmont of the Corinthia and cycles of regionaloccupation
Prof. James C. Wright,
Bryn Mawr College and Director of the American 
School of Classical Studies in Athens

The keynote lecture will be followed by an open reception at CAARI.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Welcome address and introduction

Ayia Varvara Asprokremmos, a Pre-Pottery Neolithic A taskscape on the 
Yialias River in central Cyprus: implications of focused resource exploitation for understanding early connections between Cyprus and the mainland
Carole McCartney

Reconstructing the palaeoenvironment in southern Cyprus and its 
interaction with the Neolithic humans: the case of Klimonas (PPNA)
Pantelitsa Mylona, Benoît Devillers and Jean-Denis Vigne

Choosing Kataliondas Kourvellos: a diachronic and contextual approach
Julien Beck and Patrizia Birchler Emery

Building a central place in Neolithic Cyprus
Andrew McCarthy


Weather forecast: heavy rains over Khirokitia
Alain Le Brun

The value of place in Chalcolithic Cyprus: a view from Souskiou
Sam Crooks

Middle to Late Chalcolithic Cyprus: the landscape perspective
Charalambous Paraskeva

Beyond the dots: the transformation of the settlement pattern and 
the strategies of land use in Bronze Age Southwestern Cyprus:
Francesca Chelazzi

13:00 LUNCH

Marki Alonia: a long-lived Early and Middle Bronze Age settlement in 
the Alykos Valley
Jennifer Webb

On the western front: the Dhiarizos Valley in the Early and Middle 
Cypriot periods
Lisa Graham and Andrew McCarthy

Drifting down the big still river: Erimi Laonin tou Porakou in its 
ecological context during the Middle Bronze Age
Caterina Scirè Calabrisotto, Mari Yamasaki and Luca Bombardieri

Preliminary geoarchaeological studies on the human-landscape spatial 
manifestation across the Yialias and Pedieos rivers before the dawn of city-kingdoms
Annita Antoniadou

The Ayios Sozomenos Survey 2016 preliminary results: exploring Bronze Age regional settlement patterns in a fortified landscape
Eilis Monahan and Despina Pilides

Environmental change and state-level agency in protohistoric Cyprus: infilling of the Yialias Ria
Michael Brown and Benoît Devillers



Sunday 18 February 2017

Sites, rivers and hinterland: site organisation and interaction in SE 
Cyprus during the Late Bronze Age
Jan Coenaerts

Exploring the materiality of water in Late Bronze Age Cyprus
Louise Steel

Investigating the interplay between human society, environmental 
impact, and artistic production in Bronze and Iron Age Cyprus: preliminary results and future directions
Zuzana Chovanec


Unlocking sacred landscapes: a holistic approach to Cypriot 
sanctuaries and religion
Giorgos Papantoniou

Idalion in its landscape
Pamela Gaber

From royal palace to desert Kastro: the Amathus acropolis through the ages
Thierry Petit

Settled and sacred landscapes of Cyprus: environment, settlement and 
territoriality in the valley of Xeros in Late Antiquity
Athanasios K. Vionis

13:00 LUNCH

Settlement and topography in Early Byzantine Cyprus
Charles A. Stewart

Town and country in Late Antique and Medieval Cyprus
Lisa Kennan and Andrew McCarthy

Mining landscapes of Solea changing through time
Vasiliki Kassianidou

MPM PROJECT: surveys, studies of landscape archaeology and 
geo-archaeological prospecting in the Moni Valley system
Oliva Menozzi, Eugenio di Valerio, Silvano Agostini, Maria Giorgia di Antonio and Serena Torello Di Nino

The infinite web: interactions and mobilities along the Northern Troodos
Michael Given

17:00 Closing remarks and discussion